Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dark Horse Exhibits at C2E2 - Also SDCC

Dark Horse Comics, which published The Art of Doug Sneyd, has a retail booth at most major comics-cartoon conventions in the U.S., including both events sponsored by Reed Exhibitions - C2E2 and the New York Comic Con (October 9-12, 2014 at the Javits Center).

(The Art of Doug Sneyd, now in a second printing, is also available at the Dark Horse retail booth at SDCC, which closes at 5 p.m. today.)

If you already have a copy of the 248-page hardcover book and would like Doug to sign it - at no charge, visit us at the Big Wow Art booth at SDCC.

On the way to Artist Alley before the 3-day convention in Chicago opened to the public, Doug and I stopped at the Dark Horse booth to say "hello" to Kari, the convention retail sales manager.

(blog entries by Heidi Hutson)

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