Tuesday, March 18, 2014

eBay Benefit Auction of Doug's Winking Bunny With Usagi Tattoo Closes Sunday Evening, March 23

Doug donated a watercolor original of a winking bunny with a Usagi tattoo to the CAPS (Comic Art Professional Society) ongoing series of eBay auctions to benefit Stan and Sharon Sakai.
The 11 x 17 original, rendered on Arches of France cold press art board using Dr. Ph. Martin's aniline dyes, is one of 35 items on the second week of the eBay benefit auctions.  Nearly 400 pieces of original art, signed prints/books and limited edition statues have been donated; CAPS auctions began Thursday, March 6, with a new set of auctions every following Thursday.  Each auction, sold under the seller name of "CAPSauction" will be 10 days in length with 20-40 items in each set of auction. 
Doug's donation is one of 35 items available for bidding; the auction closes Sunday, March 23 at 7 p.m.
100% of the proceeds of these auctions will go directly to Stan and Sharon Sakai to help pay their ongoing medical expenses.

(blog entries by Heidi Hutson)

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