In addition to having nearly 500 of Doug's full-page color cartoons published in Playboy magazine since the early 1960s, a limited number of cartoon originals were featured in supplementary collections from Playboy Press/Chicago.
(All of Doug's work for Playboy was rendered on Arches of France cold press art board using Dr. Ph. Martin's aniline dyes; image area approximately 13 1/2 x 18.)
To see these available cartoon originals - some with preliminary roughs, visit the newest CAF gallery room - Cartoon Originals - at the Doug Sneyd Premium Gallery at:
caption: "I'd like to work you into my circuit training program."
final pencil prelim, on heavy tracing vellum/notice the omission of the second gymnast in the final art
color rough "tests" color selections before going to final art
caption: "He's really fit - 150 cholesterol, 60 resting pulse rate and a 10 minute recovery time after he comes."
final pencil rough on heavy tracing vellum
color rough
caption: "She's a lot of blonde for the money, assuming you want a lot blonde and you've got the money."
preliminary pencil rough on heavy tracing vellum
final pencil rough (please note: overlays are common in Doug's hand-drawn preliminary work)
(blog entries by Heidi Hutson)